Looking for a CBT Therapist, Clinical Psychologist or Coach with a more holistic approach?

One that can help you find your life’s purpose and become your authentic self?

You’re in the right place & you’re here for a reason.

The power to heal yourself lies within – this is the main principle in a Holistic Approach!


I have 24 years of experience both as a Clinical Psychologist and CBT Psychotherapist and as a Mindfulness Teacher. I’m a deeply spiritual and intuitive clinician which didn’t fit well with the strictly scientific setting I worked in. I wanted to be true to myself in that I’m a deeply spiritual, open-minded and intuitive clinician!

This is how it felt:

  • I found it impossible to share my true interests, feelings and moods because I worried people would see it as a weakness
  • I felt cut off from my intuition and made decisions I’d later regret
  • I was ignoring my desire to share mystical tools, spiritual insights and practices in my work since they weren’t ‘scientific’ enough
  • I was struggling to love and accept every part of myself (including my intuitive nature)
  • I had everything I’d ever wanted and knew I ‘should’ be happy and content… but still felt like something was missing.

Can you relate? Do you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or trapped by the life you’ve built for yourself?

I have brilliant news for you – it doesn’t have to be like this.

You CAN live in a way that feels 100% true to you

So take a deep breath, and let me show you how to do it using a combination of integrative and holistic approaches to psychology & coaching.

With the right tools and my unique approach, you can change your life FOREVER.

You’re probably wondering how I’m qualified to make this promise.

1. I have 24 years of professional experience as a clinical psychologist, CBT therapist, and mindfulness teacher.

I’m an expert in helping people like you change their lives and introduce new habits of thinking and behaving.

You’ll save a lot of time, energy, and money on a variety of different practitioners because my unique holistic approach will take into account your mind, heart, body, and spirit.

2. I’ve radically transformed my own life using the same holistic principles. I now barely recognise the person I used to be!

In addition to more traditional psychology and coaching approaches to healing – holistic modalities have also been instrumental in my own journey and you can read about this here

These included – Meditation, Tantra, Yoga, Functional Medicine, Energy Medicine as well as Akashic Records readings, Psychedelics and Astrology.

So while working with me, you’ll never have to censor yourself. I will never judge you. Nothing is too unusual or unconventional in my eyes!

3. In the last 24 years I’ve already helped thousands of people find happiness and finally live the life they’ve always dreamed of.

After just a few sessions, my clients have come to me and said:

“You helped me transform my life! I no longer fear the things I can’t change.”

“Thanks to you, I have the tools to get through pretty much anything.”

“I now appreciate life and savour every moment, rather than always looking ahead.”

You can read more in the testimonials section. But for now, if you already know you’re here to learn and develop, if you see yourself as a spiritual being having a bodily experience, I’m here to guide you.

Ready to discover YOUR next level?

What my coaching clients say about working with me

“Can’t believe how much working with Kamila has improved all aspects of my life! I was the biggest skeptic. Now I’m completely converted! My family, friends and partner cannot believe how much I have changed, they say I am a completely different person.”

~ Katherine
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I found our sessions very informative and I’ve even passed the information on to others. I definitely like your approach of educating me and I’ve found the information very useful and relatable.

When I can relate to the information and see it’s direct benefit to me and my personal circumstances, I completely commit. Thank you.”

~ Chris

“I reached out to Kamila in 2019 following an ‘out of the blue’ diagnosis of cancer in 2018 which saw me go through 3 operations and a course of treatment. After being given the wonderful news of being ‘all clear’ I suddenly found myself in a state of shock filled with fear and dread and a feeling of not knowing the ‘old me’ anymore and trying to find the ‘new me’. I had always held down a very senior position at work and felt like I’d lost all my confidence overnight.

Through my sessions with Kamila, using a variety of techniques (mindfulness, yoga, exercise, reading materials and just talking through my feelings) I very soon found ‘the new me’ which I began to love and accept and still do!

I’ve managed to find a work life balance whilst still doing my existing role, I love exercising which I never did before, I have a much better understanding of diet and nutrition and I am very grateful for everything I have in life.

I cant recommend Kamila enough, without Kamila’s help and the techniques she’s taught me I wouldn’t be where I am today.

~ Julie Davey-Wood
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“Taking time out to understand myself more and what’s really important in life has helped me develop as a person. I’ve been seeing Kamila on an individual basis, but she also ran some mindfulness sessions on Zoom for my staff during COVID lockdown. I‘d recommend Kamila for her conscientious, professional, and compassionate approach

~ Richard

“After just 5 sessions I have a much deeper understanding of myself and of life. Kamila is an excellent listener, very compassionate and inspiring, and she has an incredible breadth of knowledge and resources to help you move forward in life and to find fulfilment right now.”

~ Lydia
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“In Dr. Kamila Hortynska, I discovered not just a therapist but a compassionate soul who possesses great insights and an exceptional ability to share her experiences, making the therapeutic journey both healing and enlightening. Her compassion and dedication to her clients shine through in every interaction, making me feel genuinely cared for and valued.”

~ Matei Sergiu

What's the Difference in Qualifications

Clinical Psychologist

  • Has a Doctorate in psychology which is a requirement to register at HCPC as a practising psychologist
  • 4-5 years of graduate and postgraduate studies including accredited internships and placements in a variety of settings.
  • Has to pass multiple exams for accreditation to be able to work in this profession.
  • Well-versed and trained in a variety of therapy models and theories, with an emphasis on individual psychological theory and research.
  • Able to perform psychological testing and evaluation, often trains, educates and supervises other mental health professionals.


  • Usually has to obtain a PGDip, Certificate or sometimes a Masters Degree to complete the training.

  • 1-2 years of postgraduate studies.
    Usually is (but may not be) affiliated with and/or regulated by an accrediting body like e.g. BABCP or UKCP.
  • Typically trained in one psychological theory and psychotherapy model like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Gestalt Psychotherapy.

  • Sometimes has little or no training in severe mental illness assessment or intervention.


  • 1-2 years of graduate studies

  • Usually is registered with and regulated by BACP, but not always.
  • Typically trained in counselling methods rather than particular psychological theories and models. 
  • Unable to perform psychological testing/evaluation.

  • There are great counsellors out there but they are not trained to work with more severe end of the mental health spectrum.

Life Coach

  • There is no standard regarding secondary education, it all depends on the organisation.
  • There are different Life Coaching Associations, but this profession is not regulated as strictly as mental health.

  • The practices offered vary greatly in their focus, but there are many brilliant coaches out there.

  • There is little consistency in training and certificate programs, so you need to discriminate and go with what feels right to you.

  • Life Coaches are not trained to address mental health concerns or offer therapy. These are usually people for whom this is a second career and they feel a vocation to share their life’s experience in a particular area

It’s time to work with me if you:

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