Are you living your life as your true self – as the person you think you should be, or the person others think you need to be? Are you happy or unhappy? Do you feel like you’re just coasting through each day? Perhaps you have never stopped to really consider these questions.
Unhappiness can come when a person doesn’t live their life in a way that feels right to their true authentic self. You know the feeling, when outside everything looks good and you think you should be happy but you feel something is wrong.

The treadmill of life
Ah, the neverending treadmill of life, you might have been there! A time where we move through life at such a pace, not taking a moment to pause and look up. The result is being disconnected from your true self, not intuitively aware of what you really need to feel good. Whether it is: work pressure, household responsibilities, or juggling childcare – are you ever pausing to reflect on who you are and why you do what you do? Do you ever wonder if you can make any changes?

Living life on autopilot
A lack of deeper meaning or real connection to your day-to-day life and responsibilities can switch you into autopilot mode – essentially a state of “unconsciousness”. This means you become disconnected from your true self. And even the world around you.
The opposite of living in autopilot mode is living with full awareness of your moment to moment experiences, emotions, body sensations, thoughts and surroundings. Practicing mindfulness and meditation is a great antidote to living on automatic autopilot and helps to develop and cultivate a deep connection with your authentic self.
How to live authentically
To live authentically, we need to live from the heart. Living from the heart means listening to your intuition and inner knowing. By tuning in, you can begin to live authentically.
Mindfulness and meditation are great tools to connect with your inner experiences and start developing a relationship with your intuition. Traditionally mindfulness is portrayed as a great tool in reducing stress and relieving the suffering caused by difficult emotions, thoughts or body sensations. Mindfulness is very useful in dealing with pain, loss and grief – so many emotions that you might face during your lifetime. As a society, we tend to focus on making suffering better, however sometimes we do not place enough attention on the positive or enjoyable moments in life, in the world. We may be so focused on eliminating stress and discomfort that we don’t provide enough space for joy, excitement, bliss and other positive states that occur and are often missed because they are taken for granted. Instead of noticing and reinforcing the good moments in our now, we often live in the past or the future, rushing those happy blissful moments along by making plans to recreate them in the future!
To live authentically we need to be able to be present with both positive and negative moments in life. Rather than avoiding pain and chasing the happiness develop the ability to be with and enjoy the present moment as it is and the less we resist, the more we relax, and the more we relax the easier it will be for us to hear what is in our hear, and to use our intuition to guide us in what we really want and need in life.

How to be happier
Living more in tune with your inner knowing and feeling like you are guided in your life makes everything less stressful, makes you trust in the Universe and how things are unfolding. It takes away the pressure to figure out the solution by analysing every aspect of the situation before making a decision. Instead you can place a hand on your heart and ask your Higher Self for guidance, and tune into which action feels right to take.
“In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.”
― Gordon B. Hinckley
I also believe that our life is to be enjoyed and not endured. So how can we spend more time in a positive state of mind? It takes some time and practice to develop a connection with yourself and your intuition, but it is well worth your energy and effort. Here are my five top ways to live authentically and happily right now;
- Negativity + Positivity: If you are working with something negative in your life, as a counterbalance try to simultaneously allow equal space to focus on the positive aspects and moments in your life – even if you feel as though there isn’t much positivity, if you look close enough, you will find it. And then by reinforcing your attention on the good and pleasurable you can learn to flourish and find even more bliss.
- Inner Light: Be guided by your inner knowing. Connect with the fire inside your heart through meditation or reflection. Journalling is an authentic way to connect with yourself and reflect on the day.
- Release patterns: Release patterns and relationships that no longer serve you. Are you able to let go of guilt, worries, and anxiety? Instead, surround yourself with people you love and those who love you unconditionally.
- Free your spirit: Do you feel like you are holding it together most of the time? What for? Try and let go! Sing, dance, play, roll around on the floor, stretch, move, practise yoga, make music, draw, paint, breathe, laugh (a lot, I mean deep guttural laughs), and cry freely. Express what is alive inside!
- Be more grateful: Practicing gratitude can help train your mind to see the goodness, the beauty, the kindness, the light, and the love in everything.
Live in bliss and happiness

If you are interested in learning more about how you can live more authentically, you can have a look at my 1-1 coaching packages or book a session with me now.
You can also read more about my personal transformation story, which will give you insight into my calling (and qualifications), so you can decide if I am the right person to guide you on your journey to living happily and authentically.