Living in harmony with the desires of the heart is the purpose of our existence here.
That is the main life lesson we need to realise and implement here on Earth to have the most fulfilling experience in this dimension. Living in tune with our Inner Knowing, learning to be guided by intuition instead of giving responsibility for our life to other people and institutions is key becoming a conscious creator of our own reality.
The Heart produces an electric field 60 times stronger than the brain and the magnetic field 100 times stronger than the brain.
Emotions such as Love, Appreciation, Gratitude have the highest vibration and help to \”uplift\” and \”brighten\” our energetic field. The heart produces a field of contentment, abundance, and warmth, which attracts like a magnet everything you need to be happy and continue experiencing such states. You only need to learn to trust your Heart and follow the guidance even if the Logical mind has other ideas.

Your logical Mind or Ego Mind is limited to what it already knows, has seen, read about, understood. It is limited to make decisions and conclusions based only on what has been, what you have consciously experienced. It is like the tip of the iceberg visible above the water surface. Your Heart your Inner Knowing has access to all knowledge that is both your own unconscious and the collective unconscious, as well as knowing that is beyond this dimension of experience.
There are different ways of learning to access and listen to your Inner Knowing.
Developing your Intuition is one, but it may take time. Also depending on the person, and how much “in their Head” they are living, how much they are used to relying on logic and reason in their lives, it may be easier or more difficult. Some people are naturally tuned into their body, their purpose, and the present moment where all the answers are given. Others, need to learn and practice being present and attentive first before they can hear the inner voice of advice and to understand their messages.

Meditation and Mindfulness Benefits
Meditation and mindfulness practices are very good tools to start developing more intimate relationships with yourself, with your thoughts, emotions, and body sensations, but it takes time and dedication. Although it has many other benefits apart from connecting you with your intuition like reducing stress, alleviating physical illnesses and reducing mental health problems like anxiety and depression, there is another way of accessing the knowledge that is contained within your Heart field.
Akashic Records
Using Akashic Records Reading is a much quicker way of getting access to your inner library of all information. I have been personally consulting with my Akashic Records since 2019 with help of specially trained mentors and in the meantime have attended 3 levels of training in reading them for myself and others. I am gradually incorporating this in my regular coaching work, (if the client is open to using such tools), but I also offer separate Akashic Records Reading sessions, which are complete meetings in their own right. You can think of them as Spiritual guidance or support. If this is something you are interested in you can read more here.
So what is Akasha? And what are the benefits of consulting with it?
Akasha is a field of unconditional love and support. A field of energy that has been referred to in all ancient texts. The word Akasha comes from 2 ancient words from Tibet or Northern India. \”Aka\” means space and \”Ša\” means sky, hidden or secret. Which can be translated as a secret space that contains all knowledge from the beginning of time.
Each person has access to their own records. But usually, you are not even aware of accessing them as it may happen unconsciously or in your dream or in those times when you just know the answer, or what to do, and can\’t even say how or why. That\’s why some people want others trained to do it to access their records on their behalf.
Your Personal Akashic Records is an energetic “library” that holds the information about you – all your experiences, thoughts, emotions, and actions. It contains all information about what has been, what is, and all that could happen. It is not fortune telling though, is it a sea of potentiality. And what is revealed and given access to depends very much on the energy of the person who is having the reading and where they are in a particular moment in their life.
What are the benefits of having an Akashic Records reading?
Apart from getting the answers to the questions bothering you and gaining tips on specific actions to take to solve the problems you may be having at a particular moment in life. You get to know yourself at a very deep level. You expand your awareness, get to know and experience who you are at your core and you connect with the Truth in your Heart.

Trust your Heart
The messages from Akashic Records always ask you to trust your own heart, that soft inner voice in you that just Knows. And by building your whole life around it you can begin to feel and see beauty and goodness everywhere. When living in the field of the Heart you no longer experience fear, because you trust in the ever-present and always available abundance in the Universe. You become a creator of your own reality, and that reality is the best possible version of reality for you beyond what your Logical Mind or Ego would have you believe.
Your Ego Mind or Logical Mind would always want to keep you within what is known and familiar even if this is causing you hurt and pain, simply because it doesn\’t like change. When you access your Akashic Records on a regular basis you learn to live in a state of Love.
What does living in the State of Love look like?
- You will learn to look at suffering with the eyes of love.
- You will see things just as lessons for growth instead of misfortunes or punishments for not doing something right.
- Tenderness and awe will become as natural as breathing.
- By travelling into the depths of your heart and following the guidance from within you will start living with ease and flow.
- You will always feel guided and safe.
- You will feel inspired to create more beauty and love-filled experiences in your life and to share it with others.
What next?
Sounds interesting? Then book a session with me today and begin your magical journey. If you want to read more about how it will look in practice or watch a testimonial from a recent client click here.
Alternatively, you can send me a message using the form below, and I’ll get back to you very soon!