Hello dear,
The 8 main books I discuss, and 32 other titles I share with you in this e-book have changed my life in the most powerful ways. They are books that either gave me immediate results when I implemented their recommendations, or provided a deeper understanding of myself and the world I live in.
They have brought me lots of peace and healing in my personal life. These are also the books that have, over the years, shaped my professional journey from a Clinical Psychologist, CBT Therapist and Mindfulness Teacher into a Holistic Psychologist and Spiritual Life Coach.
Reading this e-book will therefore give you some insight into the breadth of knowledge and understanding I bring to my therapeutic work. This e-book includes some of the titles I read in the last 20 years since I came to the UK , which is a period when my professional and spiritual journey accelerated. I recommend these titles in particular, so that you too can benefit from the wisdom they carry and discover the practical tips you can use for your own healing and growth.
I am an avid reader. I love reading and learning, and I always pass on the best books to my one-to-one clients and course participants. If you have ever worked with me, you know that I always give tonnes of book recommendations in each session. And if you haven’t worked with me yet, this e-book will introduce you to the 30 books that I most often share with my clients, so that you too can benefit from these carefully chosen recommendation regardless of whether you decide to work with me or not.
In joy!
Table Of Contents
- Section 1 – Introduction
- Section 2 – Mindfulness: This is Where it All Began for me
- Section 3 – Healing The Body: My Own Health Issues Showed Me the Path to Professional Growth
- Section 4 – Emotional Wounds: My Self-Healing Journey
- Section 5 – Where Science Met Spirit: Adventures in Esoteric World With a Scientific Seatbelt on
- Section 6 – Deep Dive into Spirituality
- Section 7 – Next Steps on Your Own Healing & Growth Journey
Books That Changed My Life
“…I’ve read about 10 books that Kama has recommended in her e-book and have learned something truly valuable from each of them. I’ve enjoyed Kama’s recommendations about everything – from the ancient wisdom of Rumi, healing the body, emotional healing, communication in relationships to reading about where science and spirituality meet. There’s also a useful guide after each section to help you choose books based on how you’re feeling, what you’re interested in learning and what you’d like to understand.”